Saturday, January 9, 2010

"3 Cheers"...the third one..

Finally the New Year has come. 2010..!!! It’s a nice way for celebration in view of good things that happened last year and/or in hope of better things to happen next year. Its a nice way to discipline youself by making resolutions that may or may not get realized. Whatever reasons be there, celebrations are anyways nice.

This year holds good memories within me. I got married in very first month of the year, January. Vow !!, the year started with a bang..!! A new relationship had started followed by many more. Friend’s list got multiplied and phone got busier. Airtel must be the luckiest one to get the maximum benefit from our relationship. The hangover lasted for atleast March when we joined back our offices and got attuned to the normal business.
Towards the end of the year, a new relationship emerged with my sister, Nikita getting engaged to Nimit. So a lot of planning, celebrations and purchasing went through last couple of months.
Between the two events I could progress on my academics by clearing my CPIM certifications.
But the year holds badly in case of my profession. I got struck in less productive project in ‘client-like’ client that had cut my wings for ever. All of sudden my aspirations got jammed in the nasty web of incapables. But the only light in the dark was the job Divya was enjoying. In a way I can say that, it feels pleasure to see your shadow reaching the spot where you always wanted to be. That feeling encouraged me and kept me controlled.

Anyways, the year was full of events and happenings. Lots of responsibilities, gatherings, voyages and explorations. But now, it’s the time to kit-up for the next year. Still, lot more has to be done and lot more has to be achieved. Many constraints need to be identified and broken. That’s because…
This is L.I.F.E.

Wish you all a very happy and prosperous NEW YEAR…!!!


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